TITLE: A World To Live In: An Ecologist’s Vision for a Plundered Planet
AUTHOR: George M. Woodell
PUBLISHER: Audible.com
FORMAT: Audiobook
LENGTH: 8 hours, 47 minutes
PRICE: $19.95
What’s happening to the planet that we live on? All the toxic gases that we produce from car exhausts, chemical waste, emissions from canned deodorant and hair spray all contribute to the destruction of our well-being and Mother Earth. The toxic chemicals sprayed on crops aren’t helping either. They garbage that we let drop in the oceans, rivers, ponds, and lakes aren’t helping us either. We’re killing the fish. If we don’t kill them we’re causing deformities. So what do we do about it?
A World to Live In: An Ecologist’s Vision for a Plundered Planet explores this subject. George M. Woodell explains to us of all the plundering we’re actually doing to the earth and offers suggestions on how to correct our behavior. He explains to us about climate change causing the melting of the ice-caps in Antartica to how this connects to the disappearance or endangerment of animals, plants, and how this connects with our survival.
This is definitely an audiobook you’ll want to download on your device. This is a very timely and eye-opening book to listen to!