Some people say that you should write seven days a week until you get to a certain word count. They also claim that writers should use a flexible schedule. Then again, others say that you should only write when the muse inspires you. Do I do any of these? Yes. Should you or I? Yes.
I’ve found that I do best when I use the flexible schedule. I may or may not get some writing done on Saturdays depending on what life allows. By doing a process of elimination and listening to my body, I’ve found it pays off for me to take Sunday off. After all, it is the day of rest. I do have to admit that there are Sundays when I’m on the computer writing away. That’s when I’m under a deadline.
It has been proven that like other muscles in your body, your brain needs a rest too. Science has found that you’ll be more creative and productive. The trick here is---again---to listen to your body. Your body will tell you when to give your brain a rest. Giving your brain a rest is taking time away from your writing and do anything that doesn’t concern writing. Don’t forget exercising and meditation. This helps immensely and even helps you with if you have writer’s block! But how do you know when to give you brain a rest?
Do you know that feeling you get when you’re so sleepy that you can hardly hold your eyes open? You’re getting a message here from the brain to take a break. Have you ever had that exhausted, and get that I-can’t-move-another-finger-on-the-keyboard feeling? Your body is screaming at you to stop! So, how do you rest your brain?
I know that the first thing that’s comes to mind is taking a nap. Believe it or not, that is a way! So are needlework, woodworking, going to the gym, watching movies, reading, or listening to an audiobook, cooking, or any other hobby. When the weather is nice, I like to take a walk and visit friends. The key here is to do what you like where it doesn’t involve your writing words. Don’t forget daily exercise and meditation.
Try the meditation video below called, Meditation for Writers: Meet Your Muse. Just sit in your desk chair, close your eyes, and focus on the music. I guarantee that you’ll feel 100% better!
In short, how much should you write per day? That’s completely up to your body. Try the three different types of schedules above and your body will tell you!