Title: The Magic of Misty Nook: To the Rescue
Author: Christine Skippins
Publisher: The Book Dragon (https://www.thebookdragon.co.uk)
Formats: Paperback, $9.68 (US), Paperback, £7.50 (https://www.thebookdragon.co.uk/product/the-magic-of-misty-nook-to-the-rescue-by-author-christine-skippins)
ISBN-13: 978-1739515966
Author Christine Skippins has done it again! In this installment of the Misty Nook series, Woody is reading his newspaper when he sees an ad for help. It reads: SOS---puppies and kittens needed. It was placed in the Friendly Island Times by his friend, Bear. Can the Brother and Sisterhood of Misty Nook help? Will the puppies and kittens find good homes? In this short, chapter book for ages 5-8, we find out exactly what happens.
I loved this easy-to-read book! This is a fast-paced book that your young reader will love. The watercolor illustrations move this book forward.
If you’d like to add this book to your child’s library or to their kindle, you can at Amazon or The Book Dragon.